How Many Pets Did Michael Jackson Have?

Bubbles eventually did what all chimpanzees do: He grew. A baby chimpanzee is manageable, but a four-and-a-half foot tall, 185-pound ape is another story. It's been reported that by the time Jackson's son Prince Michael II was born, Bubbles was getting aggressive even toward the newborn (via The Baltimore Sun). Bubbles was sent to a

Bubbles eventually did what all chimpanzees do: He grew. A baby chimpanzee is manageable, but a four-and-a-half foot tall, 185-pound ape is another story.

It's been reported that by the time Jackson's son Prince Michael II was born, Bubbles was getting aggressive even toward the newborn (via The Baltimore Sun). Bubbles was sent to a wildlife sanctuary before eventually moving to the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula, Florida.

Sadly, it has been reported that Michael Jackson had at some points physically abused Bubbles. According to TMZ, famed primatologist Jane Goodall believed that Bubbles had been punched in the face and kicked in the stomach, and when she brought this up with Jackson, the singer became angry.

Bubbles is still alive and living at the Center for Great Apes, in his late 30s — late middle age, for a chimp, says 7 News. According to his page on their website, Bubbles is considered the dominant ape, given his size, and lives with other chimpanzees. His group of apes includes others named Ripley, Oopsie, Boma, and Jessie. The Center mentions that he enjoys "quiet moments and painting."

