If you've ever dreamt of owning a luxury designer handbag but been thwarted by the expensive price tag, fear not. Whistles have all your bag-shaped woes sorted as they've dropped a dupe of the Yves Saint Laurent £3,620 leather tote bag.
The Whistles Black Leather Quilted Tote Bag has a much more convenient price of £225. It looks a tiny bit smaller than the YSL counterpart, but it pretty much looks exactly the same without the recognisable gold logo.
A good tote bag is absolutely essential for any bag lover and YSL has created the perfect blueprint for this summer. It comes as no surprise that Whistles has kindly designed an equally beautiful version at a lower price.
The website description says: "Crafted from a soft and smooth responsibly sourced leather, our Lyle bag offers a wide space for everyday essentials such as a laptop, lunch box and makeup bags. Featuring padded straps and inside zip pocket, this is a practical, comfortable and stylish bag that you’ll keep returning to."
The black colour is ideal for hiding dirt marks and the leather material makes it for easy cleaning. On top of this, the padded front is perfect for added comfort and includes an inside zip.
There is also an identical tote bag on sale at H&M which is priced at an even cheaper £45. It also comes in exactly the same spacious size and is crafted responsibility from sourced leather. It's perfect for travelling and fitting all your essentials, from makeup bags to laptop cases.
One person who left a review at Whistles said: "Gorgeous bag! Lovely soft leather. And plenty of room for my laptop and lunch for the commute to work."
You can buy the bag from Whistles or the YSL bag from Net-A-Porter. You can also buy the H&M bag here.
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