When did Ricky Martin marry Jwan Yosef? Relationship timeline explored in wake of divorce announceme

It was widely believed that Ricky Martin and his husband Jwan Yosef were in a loving marriage. However, fans were taken by surprise when the now-former couple released a joint statement announcing that they were getting divorced. Many could not believe that the duo, who are also parents to two children, were calling it quits.

It was widely believed that Ricky Martin and his husband Jwan Yosef were in a loving marriage. However, fans were taken by surprise when the now-former couple released a joint statement announcing that they were getting divorced. Many could not believe that the duo, who are also parents to two children, were calling it quits.

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef released a statement together on Instagram announcing that they were ending their marriage. They stated that after careful deliberation they decided to separate “with love, respect and dignity for our children.” They added:

“Our greatest desire now is to continue having a healthy family dynamic and a relationship centered on genuine friendship as we continue the joint upbringing of our children. As always, we thank you for all the love and support we received throughout our marriage. We are united in nurturing this new chapter of our lives.”

The couple announced their engagement in 2016 and went on to get married two years later.

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef’s relationship timeline explored

The Livin’ La Vida Loca singer swooned over Yosef in 2016 on The Ellen Show. He revealed that he met the painter in 2015. He went on to state that he contacted him later since he was an art collector, and he admired the latter’s artistry.

In a 2017 interview with Andy Cohen, Ricky Martin also elaborated by saying that he got in touch with Yosef through Instagram, where the two went on to discuss “art and life in general.”

In 2020, Martin shared that once the two met, it was love at first sight. He said in an interview with a British news outlet:

“When I met my husband, I saw him and said, “I’m going to get married.” During the “hello, pleasure to meet you,” I thought, “this is the love of my life.””

The pair were engaged in 2016 after the singer got on his knees and revealed “a little velvet pouch.”

By 2018, the couple had tied the knot behind the scenes. Details about their potentially fabulous wedding were sadly not revealed to followers. However Ricky Martin has revealed in the past that it was a:

“typical three-day party, the dinner, the rehearsal, the party and the recovery.”

The same year, the couple welcomed their daughter Lucia into the world, who is now four years old. A year later they also welcomed their son Renn, who is three years old.

Ricky Martin is also the father to twin boys Matteo and Valentino, who are now 14 years old. The Grammy-winner wanted to raise his own family as a single dad prior to meeting Yosef and did so through a surrogate in 2008.

The 51-year-old Grammy-winner filed a petition for divorce earlier this month in California. He cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for their separation, however the details remain unclear. The divorce petition also noted that the international popstar will be paying spousal support for Yosef.

Jwan Yosef is a conceptual artist who hails from Syria and was brought up in Sweden. He earned his fine arts degree from Konstfack University and went on to pursue his Master’s degree in Central Saint Martins, London. He is the founding member of The Bomb Factory Art Foundation and has also won a series of awards including the Archiproducts Design Award, The Threadneedle Prize and the Beers Contemporary Award.

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